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2023-11-13 15:45:25 · 作者:  
每年随着中国农历 24节气小雪的降至,严冬来临,北斗星西沉,大凉山戏剧节与您相约在中国西南部,发现一众山、一湖水、一座城,发现春天和阳光。这是凉山,是邛海,是西昌。Winter comes

每年随着中国农历 24节气小雪的降至,严冬来临,北斗星西沉,大凉山戏剧节与您相约在中国西南部,发现一众山、一湖水、一座城,发现春天和阳光。这是凉山,是邛海,是西昌。

Winter comes along with the Minor Snow, the 20th solar term, and the Big Dipper is going down towards the west. We are here to meet in the mountains, by the water, in this city in Southwest China, with spring and sunshine, and with the Big Dipper in the sky. We are here in Liangshan, to greet the Lake of Qionghai, and embrace the city of Xichang.

中国彝民族最大聚居地凉山彝族自治州是中国东西商贸文明走廊与南北民族文化走廊交汇的中心。安宁河、螺髻山、泸沽湖、香格里拉盘踞着古南丝绸之路。二十世纪 70年代初建成的成昆铁路就是南丝绸之路的蜿蜒崎岖的再现。而今,鸟瞰崇山峻岭,一条逆天的云端高速缩短江河、拉近山峦、温暖心灵,来来往往着人类文明进化和演变的风景。

Liangshan Yi Prefecture, the largest settlement of Yi people in China, is a hub of business and trade between the East and West, and a center for cultural communication between the North and South. The Southern Silk Road wound its way through the Anning River, Mt. Luoji, Lugu Lake and Shangri-La. The Chengdu-Kunming Railway built in the 1970s serves as an incarnation of this ancient route. Nowadays, with a bird’s eye view of the big mountains, we can see that the highway shortens the distance between rivers and mountains, warms our hearts, and witnesses the evolution of human beings.

戏剧从诞生初始发展至今,就以与生俱有的悲悯之心、求真之心、救赎之心和反思精神、创新精神跻身意识形态。多少年无论我们怎么经历着生命的欢乐和悲伤,仍然执拗地向往回归戏剧本真。彝人崇尚灵魂最终的归宿地“孜孜普乌”,在大凉山,我们找到一块净土,供戏剧归属,供戏剧人回家。我们从这里出发,让戏剧跨越地球经纬度,跨越时光隧道、跨越肤色和种族、跨越语言和文字。在阳光的冬季,以高山湖泊为舞台以索玛烂漫为布景, 以每一张绽放在这里的笑颜为演员,在这方舞台阡陌纵横、争奇斗艳。

With innate compassion, truth-seeking, redemption, reflective and innovative spirit, drama has developed itself as ideology along the way. No matter how many years people experience the happiness and sadness in life, we stubbornly yearn to innerse in drama for truth. Yi people advocate “Zi Zi Pu Wu” as the ultimate destination of their soul, we found a piece of pure land among DaLiangshan, as attribution of drama, and home for theatrical people. Starting from here, theatre will stride over the whole world, leap over time, complexion and races, and overcome barriers of language and culture. In the sunny winter days, we take mountains and lakes as our stage, soma flowers as our setting, and each and every smiling face as our actors and actresses.

我们迷恋戏剧的“启发性”,我们渴求具有启发意义的戏剧作品。这就是大凉山戏剧节的山单元、湖单元、城单元追求的目标。戏在台上,台在城中,城被高山湖泊环抱。走进这里的每一方舞台,我们就拥有了山水田园的情怀,有了呼风唤雨的气魄。我们!还有,你们!有足够的理由相信: 戏剧发生在凉山!

With obsession for the "enlightenment" of drama, we crave for instructive theatrical works. This would be our pursuing goal of the“mountain unit”, “lake unit” and “city unit” of the DaLiangshan International Theatre Festival. The plays are on the stages, the stages locate in the city, the city is surrounded by alpine lakes. With each stage encountered, poetic feelings and grand visions would be nurtured. We! And, You!  We all have an unyielding belief:  THEATRE WILL UNFOLD IN LIANGSHAN.

萧伯纳豪言“人生不是一支短短的蜡烛,而是一支由我们暂时拿着的火炬,我们一定要把它燃得十分光明灿烂,然后交给下一代的人们。”那么,在以火把节著名于世界的彝族聚居地, 我们借戏剧把薪助火,大小凉山皆为舞台!

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations”. Here in the largest gathering place of Yi people, we would like to make good use of the environment of DaLiangshan, and confidently hold the never-quenching torch of theatre!



阿来 阿云嘎 黄定山 郝戎 吉狄马加 

Jean Lambert-Wild(法国)

John Blondell(美国) 廖昌永 李亭 李伯男 

Marina Duxbury-Alexandrovskaya(俄罗斯)

Michael Leibenluft(美国)

Noam Semel(以色列)  Roberto Ciulli(德国) 

钱文忠  任冬生  孙振策 (韩国) 唐青石 

Tim Supple(英国) 谭维维 王晓鹰

赵淼  中岛谅人 (日本) 


Advocator Pu Cunxin

Advocates (alphabetical order)

A Lai   A Yunga  Huang Dingshan  Hao Rong 

Jidi Majia  Jean Lambert-Wild (France)   

John Blondell(USA) Liao Changyong Li Ting  Li Bonan Marina Duxbury-Alexandrovskaya(Russia)   Michael Leibenluft (USA)  Noam Semel (Israle)

Roberto Ciulli (Germany)  Qian Wenzhong  Ren Dongsheng  Son Jin Chaek (Korea)  Tang Qingshi  Tim Supplr( U.K. )   Tan Weiwei   Wang Xiaoying

Zhao Miao  Makoto Nakashima(Japan)   

In the Spring Festival of 2023

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